Strategy | Culture | Experience | Impact

Building experiences that matter

While we love the dopamine hit from checking things off a list, life is not always that linear. We operate at the intersection of logic and magic where we design the way forward, producing solutions that optimize for the results you envision. Anomaly offers services rooted in human-centered, design and systems thinking. That means a people-first, total experience approach designed specifically for your needs. Why does it matter? We believe the world needs what you have to offer and that their experience with you can be great, not just good. That doesn't come by checking off a list. Building a brand brings clarity, consistency and alignment to what you do allowing you to serve in a way that is unmatched by others and create lasting impact. 
Over the last 20+ year in business, I gained knowledge, skills, and experience spanning multiple industries, countries, and cultures. In that time I witnessed talented individuals and organizations get in their own way - some caught in an endless cycle of putting out fires instead of celebrating successes around one. They cycled through problems that brand strategy could help solve: siloed communication, inconsistent/negative employee and customer experiences, high turnover rates, and low engagement - both online and locally. Anomaly was born out of desire to create depth and distinction in organizations and missions plagued by superficiality and fleeting success - to build something that is set apart and creates lasting impact.

What makes Anomaly different?  

  1. Anomaly is the only brand strategy consultancy that focuses primarily on the Intangible Trifecta  (WHO,WHY,HOW) to drive impact & results for service providers who want more than business as usual in an era of superficiality and imitation. By focusing first on the strategy, we are able to accurately assess needs for visual, communication, execution, and any other needs you may have.  
  2. We learn from the best. Amy is a certified Brand Specialist by Level C, the branding program designed and taught by some of the world's leading branding experts, Marty Neumeier and Andy Starr.
  3. We don't believe in copy & paste strategy. Your strategy will be unique to you and tailored to your own vision and needs, not a fill-in-the-blank version of someone else's.

Who is a service provider?

This description covers everyone in the business of serving others. They are people-focused leaders and organizations who want to do more than make a profit. They include restaurants/franchises, nonprofits, healthcare providers, B2B and B2C professional services, political figures, churches, and more.

Level c certified

Highly valued

We believe in the power of &:
Humility & Humanity - People first. Always. Love your neighbor as yourself 
Authenticity & Excellence - Be true to your values and standards. Give your best.
Service & Growth - We all get better through serving others.
Quality & Aesthetics - Value and beauty can exist together.
Clarity & Consistency - Clear words with matching actions. A recipe for trust.
Nuance & Semantics - Respect subtle differences, in word & in deed.
Curiosity & Creativity - Lead with curiosity and innovate with creativity.

not on the agenda

Quick fixes, chaos, confusion, low-value products & services, narrow vision, unintentional design, popularity, superficiality, status quo 

agree? we're probably a great fit.

let's work together

MAKING your vision come alive

You hold the keys to your success. Whether you are just getting started or you've been pursuing your mission for a while, let's create the blueprint that your vision needs to stand out and grow. The world is waiting for you! 

Your creative AT A GLANCE

If you're curious...


Uniform color - black


My assistants have four legs and don't wear clothes to work.


Peonies - what to send when you can't be there


I don't drink coffee.coca cola CLASSIC or earl grey for me. 



coming soon...


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